If a plank wood flooring or traditional strips of wood are laid on the sub floor and then it requires finishing for completion of the flooring. However, newer pre-finished wood strips are also available in the market, and do not require any finishing. In case of installation of wood floors were to be done professionally in that case any of the two options could be opted for, however if the “do-it-yourself” option is chosen then it is better to go with the finished planks as it can leave marks in the hands of an amateur. However, it is advised that professionals should be allocated for this job.
However let us first discuss the steps to installing wood floors.
Step one:
Calculation of surface area
Take measurements of the entire place which needs to be covered with flooring. Moreover normally the length is taken alongside the longest wall and for a bigger area possibly the direction alongside where the traffic moves the maximum. The purchase of the flooring needs to be done with the square footage keeping the wastage component in mind. Moreover, acclimatize the wood planks and allow it to get used to the property’s humidity level.
Step two
Prepare the sub floor
Clear and surface the entire floor which will be floored. Moreover, cover the sub floor with a thick layer of asphalt felt. Spacers need to be put alongside the wall for provision of expansion.
Step three
Trimming of door casing
All the bottoms of doors as well other areas need to be trimmed such that the flooring can slip easily under the door. An underlayment along with the flooring needs to be kept as a provision.
Step four
Start laying the first course
The longest or the widest planks will be for the first row. The first row then needs to be face nailed through the plywood of the sub floor.
Step five
Laying the remaining course
The next two rows need to be blind nailed. Moreover while installing the second row and each row thereafter a short piece of flooring needs to hammered and tightened against the previous row. The end joints should be wider than possibly 6 inches and the joints should not be over those of the sub floor.
In case if the surface area to be floored is a large one then, a flooring nailer needs to be used after the first three rows. This is to avoid scratching or damage to the floor. On reaching the last ledge, a pry bar and a block needs to be utilized to tightly drill the planks into position. In case of any change in level while the new flooring, a reducer strip needs to be installed which is rounded or beveled which fits in smoothly. On the other hand it can be butted against the grooves or the edges as well.
Step six
Lastly, the baseboard molding needs to be reinstalled. Moreover the spacers against the walls need to be removed and the extras need to be trimmed for neatening of the entire flooring.
• The life of the wood floors is usually anything between 10-25 years. This is dependent on the maintenance by the individual. Apart from the regular cleaning and dusting, various solutions and pastes are available for polishing and maintenance.

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By Muezza