Ways To Help A New Mom

If one of your friends is a new mother, you may find yourself at odds. Sure, you’ve purchased a gift and card, maybe even hosted the baby shower. But you want to do more for her – what can you do that would really make a difference?

There are actually lots of practical things you can do.

Have a frank conversation with her. Make sure she knows that now is not the time to be prideful; you’re her friend and there to help. This is all about doing what she needs, not standing on decorum.

Find out if the baby has a sleep pattern. When the baby is awake, show up armed with your cleaning supplies and tackle as much of the house as you can. When baby gets tired, usher mom to bed so she can rest, too. It may not be practical to continue with your cleaning – it may depend on how loud you are and how big the house is – but you should be able to do some light meal prep to start dinner along. When baby and mom wake up again, continue cleaning with fervor. New moms long for clean laundry and empty diaper pans, but just don’t have the time or energy.

While you’re in the kitchen, find out if there are adjustments you can make there to improve mom’s efficiency later on. If you can introduce some new kitchen storage tools to help ease some of her organization pain, you really are a great friend.

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Look into simple kitchen storage tools like a lid holder for pots and pans or a spice rack to help make cooking more convenient. Check to see if a cutlery tray would make it easier to load and unload the dishwasher. There are lots of inexpensive kitchen storage tools you can buy to help out your friend, the new mother.

By Muezza