Would it surprise you to learn that ceiling fans have been in existence for almost 150 years? At first, they were widely used in industrial settings although their popularity did take quite some time to catch on. Luxury homes also utilize these ceiling fans and they enjoyed the benefits of using them, long before they were common in almost every other home. During the next century or more, these items continued to evolve and to change in both their efficiency and design. What you have now, are many different choices that are available to help cool your home in the summertime and evenly warm the home in the winter.
You have a few different options that are available to you when you are choosing ceiling fans. Although you’re going to have many different choices as far as the overall design is concerned, the primary options that you have available to you are the number of blades and whether or not you’re going to have a light kit included. Some of the ceiling fans today have the option of having a light kit or not, depending upon your needs. As far as the blades that are necessary, it often comes down to a personal preference with five legs or more being considered somewhat of a luxury item.
Installing the fan is a relatively easy thing to do, providing the hardware are already existing. Today, most of the ceiling fans that are available are relatively light weight and can be installed into a standard ceiling box. Some care needs to be taken, however, if you are going to be installing the fan into a new ceiling box or if the box that is existing is not mounted properly. Having a little bit of wobble in the box where the fan is installed will result in the fan itself wobbling uncontrollably and perhaps even falling, causing the potential for serious injury.
If you are going to be purchasing a kid’s ceiling fan for installation in their bedroom, this is going to be especially important. Of course, you would want to make sure that any fan that was installed in the home was as safe as possible but you absolutely want to make sure that the fan in that room was rock solid. Fortunately, most ceiling fans that are available for children’s rooms tend to be a bit more light weight, but some of them can be quite heavy, particularly if they are themed in some way or another.
One other option that you may want to consider is getting a fan that has remote control functions. This is really going to be a convenient choice, particularly if you also have a light kit attached. If the fan that you already have does not have a remote control to it, there are kits that are available which can be installed in your existing ceiling fan to provide this functionality for you. Just make sure that you get one which matches up with your existing hardware and it is a relatively easy thing to install.

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By Muezza