Cantinas are special settings where people usually come to serve liquors. Besides being associated to bars, a cantina is also advertised as a wine shop in certain areas of the United States of America, more precisely, in the Southwest, near the Mexican border. It is a well-known fact that cantinas have reached a tremendous popularity and many who own a Mexican restaurant, often include in their brand the term “cantina” so that all who have a passion for Mexican cuisine and traditions will confidently approach these locations.
Since cantinas are great advertisers for Mexican culture, the interest in decor is pretty large. All cantina owners do their best so that their restaurants or bars will turn into true promoters of the Mexican traditions. Besides decorative items, which carry a significant cultural message, few issues also need to be handled carefully. For instance, comfort, safety in compliance with food hygiene legislation, and first class services are fundamental in every cantina.
Tile flooring is one of the elements, which has a tremendous contribution to the fulfillment of all the above stated standards. Tile floors should not be underestimated, on the contrary, the appropriate tile composition, color and design will surely provide hospitality, comfort and safety.
Decorators who have taken care of cantinas state that few aspects need to be considered when choosing tile flooring in such settings. First of all, tiles that are extremely durable to pedestrian traffic and non-slippery should be primordial. In general, limestone tiles serve both demands. Moreover, natural hues, such as beige and honey are symbolizing a welcoming ambiance.
According to experts in interior design, limestone tiles go hand in hand with rustic locations. Besides traffic and aesthetic standards, tile flooring is a must in any restaurant’s kitchen. No use in saying that easy cleaning and maintenance are mandatory in order to keep up with a dynamic workflow, hygiene criteria, and customers’ orders. In case you have already scheduled a dinner to your favorite Mexican restaurant, take some time and assess all auxiliary elements of the restaurant. You will realize it’s not all about food; music and d?�cor have a tremendous contribution to what we call Mexican ambiance.

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By Muezza