In coastal regions seagulls can be a persistent nuisance to the upkeep of properties and can cause mess and damage to buildings and their surrounding areas. In Cornwall, south west England, many towns have significant problems due to the high concentration of buildings and people in relatively small places, especially during the summer months. However, there are many ways seagulls can be deterred from congregating around your own property and this article introduces the pros and cons of some key methods.
Perhaps the best aspect of using seagull wire as a deterrent is how difficult it is to see after it has been installed. This means that if retaining the original aesthetic quality of your building is your priority, wire is probably your best bet to ensure that. Additionally, wire is comparatively cheap (less than A�50 for 100 metres at time of writing), but for it to be as efficient a deterrent as possible your property will likely need to be assessed, and the deterrent installed, by a professional – which will add to your overall cost. Wire is also one of the more humane methods of bird deterrent.
Spikes are arguably the best choice for deterring gulls completely and after they are installed all kinds of birds can no longer land at all. Depending, on the area they need to be placed – they are likely the most expensive deterrent (at around A�4 per metre) before adding adhesive costs. However, with the right tools they are fairly easy to install yourself, but are less humane as many animals, domestic or otherwise, run the risk of being impaled. They are also considered to be the most unsightly option available – and perhaps better for business or industrial areas.
Seagull netting is great for stopping birds nesting under roofs and for keeping areas generally bird-free. Comparatively, the product cost is very cheap (at less than 50p per square metre in some places), but it follows that a considerable amount may need to be purchased in order to ensure complete efficiency. Additionally, netting is a more humane method than spikes, can be installed easily – and in the right context is not too unsightly.
Visual deterrents can range from shiny tape to replicas of predator birds to simply frighten off real birds. Although the appealing nature of these deterrents, i.e. price, ease of installation, aesthetic quality and how humane they are, are obvious – it is fair to say that seagulls are a little more savvy than pigeons and smaller birds and may be harder to scare. If you are sure that gulls are the primary problem, it is likely you will need to consider another method such as wire, spikes or netting.

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By Muezza