The Three Most Popular Pieces Of Kitchen Furniture

When you think about the kitchen the first thing that jumps into your mind probably isn’t the furniture. Most people, when asked about what’s in their kitchen, will tell you about cooking appliances, refrigerators, stoves, and cabinets and they always seem to leave out the whole furniture aspect. Even though kitchen furniture sits faded into the background around all of those pieces of cooking equipment and there’s a lot more interesting furniture to talk about in your other rooms, it is still nice to know what your options are.

Not everyone has a large enough kitchen to put a nice piece of furniture but for those who do you will find they put one of three popular pieces or some sort of combination of those three pieces. What are those classic kitchen furniture pieces, you ask? Well, the most popular pieces you will find in the American kitchen are the round table, the mobile or stationary Island, and chairs or kitchen bar stools.

Form tends to fit function in the modern kitchen so it should be no surprise that these three pieces are the most common ones. Each of these pieces allows for a specific feature to be added to the kitchen that almost every single homeowner requires: more counter space. The kitchen table and the island give you additional space to work with in the kitchen. You can put your oversized cutting board when you’re chopping vegetables or sit dishes (like tasty pies) for cooling. The more available space you have to use the easier it is to cook a delicious meal. Why do you think famous chefs like Martha Stewart and Julia Childes have such large kitchens in their homes? Added counter space, when paired with the talents of a good cook, translates to better tasting food.

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The chairs and bar stools are popular choices because they allow you to turn what was once just a utilitarian kitchen used solely for cooking meals into a hang out spot. Human beings are social animals and more than half of our social skills have developed around the consumption of food. Why not extend the socialization to the food preparation? Your children can sit around in the kitchen doing their homework while you cook dinner for the family, your friends can have some cocktails and chat with you while you prepare the party’s meal, and you can have romantic conversations with your date before the dinner even begins. When you throw a few comfortable chairs into the mix the possibilities for added social interaction are practically endless.

By Muezza