Well so it has come to that time when you are looking at new flooring, so do you go for carpet, vinyl or wood? They each have there own benefits and disadvantages.
Vinyl for an example is very easy to lay down, even a large area will be fitted in an hour or less. It is also very easy to keep clean and is ideally suited for use in areas of heavy traffic, or areas that get constantly wet, such as shower rooms.
It is also one of the cheaper forms of flooring and is available in many colours and styles.
Yet at the top end of the market you can buy Amtico vinyl flooring which can cost several thousands of pounds, and it comes in a wide variety of styles from Roman style flooring to mock brick work, which looks very like the real thing. With this type of vinyl the amount of designs on offer are truly outstanding, and they are incredibly hardwearing.
However a lot of cheaper vinyl’s may be susceptible to getting nicks in them, which can ruin the whole look of the floor, and unlike tiles you cannot just replace one, you have to replace the whole floor.
Overall vinyl floors are easier to maintain than carpets as they are easy to clean, you can spill anything on them without any worry, and they are cheap to replace compared to carpet.
Wooden floors are very hardwearing and very easy to keep clean, all they need is a simple mop over, or hoover to remove loose debris. They are harder to put down than carpet or vinyl, but are now proving very popular due to being hardwearing and easy to keep clean. They have also dropped down a lot in price in recent years, which has increased their popularity over carpet.
Carpet is still one of the most comforting floor coverings you can buy, there is little better than kicking your shoes off after a hard days work and then putting them down on a nice deep pile carpet.
Carpet however does require more work than laminate flooring, as to keep it in good condition it ideally needs vacuuming twice weekly. Whilst it is very child friendly compared to tiles or wooden floors, it does show up wear and tear more easily. Its advantage is that unlike wooden floors or tiles it is ideal for covering your stairs. So overall carpet is a good option.

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By Muezza