Who likes pests? If you’re like most people, you do not. There is something that needs to be done about pests, and you can do it. There are all kinds of suggestions out there, but here are some pest control tips that can truly help you do what needs to be done.

You do not always have to call an exterminator when you are trying to get rid of mice. There are several methods you can use including glue traps and poison. If you are concerned with harming the mice, you can repel them with specially made electronic devices that emit sounds they don’t like.

Kill ants around your home using an easy-to-make home concoction. Combine borax and sugar in a jar in a 1:1 ratio. Sprinkle the mixture around the outside of your home at its foundation and anywhere else you’ve noticed ants. The sugar will attract the ants, while the borax will kill them.

Eliminate pests naturally. Sometimes you don’t need to resort to chemicals to control pests. Removing sources of water, food and shelter is one way to get rid of them. This is particularly effective in the case of rodents. If you have pets, don’t leave food or water bowls outside, and ensure that you don’t have any holes or cracks in the exterior of your home.

Don’t allow pools of standing water to form near your home. This can be a big problem if you have pests. Check for pipes that are leaking and trays you use for plants. Most pests require standing water to survive; therefore, it is important to remove any standing water.

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Do not tackle pest control alone if you live in a multiunit structure. Your individual efforts might be successful temporarily, but ineffective in the long run. Insects could just travel to another condo, apartment or townhome and then return. Consult with the property managers or other owners for a building-wide treatment solution.

If you hear bees in the walls of your home, never try to plug their access hole. This will trap them inside, and they will attempt to break free. Unfortunately, this means that they could come through the wall, into your home. You will have no choice at that point but to exit the premises and call a pest control specialist.

If you want to keep aphids from bothering your kitchen or any other indoor area, steal a gardening trick. Plant and grow chives or nasturiums indoors in pots or containers. Both of these plants are very successful in keeping aphids from injuring nearby plants, so also work to keep these little flies from bothering you indoors too.

Even if your home doesn’t show any issues, check the entire thing on occasion. Any part of the dwelling that is underground could be affected by subterranean termites. Check on the crawl spaces and basement.

Whether you hire a professional or tackle your pest problem, there are things you can do right away. Make sure you are proactive about this problem, and you will be able to avoid worse annoyances. Use the tips laid out here to really help you get rid of these creatures.

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By Muezza