Gardening can be a very rewarding and worthwhile activity. Some people see gardening as a hobby, a way to derive pleasure in their spare time. Others may view it from a more utilitarian perspective, as in a way to grow their own food without being dependent upon grocery stores. Regardless of the reason for gardening, many great tips can be found in this article for both beginner gardeners as well as seasoned gardeners.

Avoid chemicals for pest control. Chemicals are effective but can also damage your plants. You should look for natural methods instead. For instance, you can buy jars of ladybugs and release them on your plants. Ladybugs are natural predators for a variety of smaller insects that eat flowers and other plants.

Create a unique visual effect with a hanging basket. A hanging basket full of spring or summer flowers can brighten up a bare wall or a dreary back yard. A traditional hanging basket is made of wire and lined with moss. The moss is helpful in retaining moisture. You can create a spectacular display by not only planting in the basket itself, but by inserting hanging plants in the gaps in the wire mesh. The mesh and surrounding moss with ensure that the plants stay secure.

Consider using organic fertilizers in your garden. These are safer than chemical fertilizers, which can build up salts in the ground over time. The salts restrict the ability of the plants to get water and nutrients from the soil. They can also kill helpful earthworms and microorganisms which eat thatch.

Soak seeds overnight, preferably in a cool, dark place. Drop your seeds into a small jar that is filled with cold water. When you do this, you hydrate your seeds and they can start growing. This way, the seeds you have planted will have some chance of growing.

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Try to have a plan with your garden. This is a good way to remember which plants have been planted in each area before they grow. A good plan can also help you to place each plant in the area that is most beneficial to them.

For basic vegetable or flower gardening it is often not necessary to buy the most expensive gardening tools and accessories. Visiting discount stores will often allow you to find basic tools at a low price. You should also be on the lookout each spring for most local supermarkets to set up an aisle or display with gardening tools you can get for a good price,too.

Do not mow your grass when it is wet. When you mow wet grass, the wet grass clippings will turn into mush and stick to your lawnmower’s blades, which can result in jams. In addition, if wet grass clippings get onto a paved area of your garden, the paved area will have grass stains.

As previously stated, no matter what your motivation may be for engaging in gardening, you can never know too much. By applying some or all of the tips mentioned in this article, new gardeners can quickly increase their knowledge. Likewise, experienced gardeners can always pick up some new tips and add to their expertise.

By Muezza