When upgrading your bathroom, the first and most major factor is the dimensions of the space. Have you got the space for a bathtub plus a separate shower cubicle? Just a bath tub and a shower fitting above it? Or if you don’t have the space for the two do you prefer simply a standalone shower? The massive choice on the market could be confusing but also really exciting as almost nothing is as good as a new bathroom with shining white fixtures and sparkling chrome extras.
Selecting new bathroom sinks to integrate within your new bathroom design isn’t as simple as you may think. To begin with you must choose if your sink will be freestanding or fixed into bathroom vanities. And then there’s such a lot of choice aside from the typical white ceramic sink. You’ll find hammered copper sinks which can look attractive and dramatic, particularly with the appropriate bathroom illumination. And then there are numerous types of delightful vessel sinks, that are positioned atop vanities or a bathroom counter.
An important accent for any bathroom is a mirror. A complete wall of mirrored tiles these days seems dated and wrong; however you’ve got a wide range to choose from. On one side of the range are very elaborate bathroom mirrors in the Venetian or Rococo style and at the other are absolutely plain mirrors, in rectangular, square or round forms. An elaborate mirror might look magnificent in a chic smart modern day bathroom.
One factor that can totally change the way your bathroom looks is the bathroom lighting. If you are having your bathroom completely redesigned you might like to add recessed lighting built into the walls or ceiling. Or to give a large bathroom the Wow! factor how about a crystal chandelier? You can combine this with coordinating decorative sconces for an opulent effect. With a small bathroom a full chandelier may well be overpowering however you can achieve a similar impact on a more compact scale using chandelier style lamp shades together with dangling crystal droplets for all the style but not having the risk for tall family members.
An important aspect to note while redesigning your bathroom may be the demands of all of the different people who will be using it. If it’s to generally be your main family bathroom and you’ve got children, then this style and design must be suitable for all of them. In particular, there may be little point in putting in a huge bath if most of the household prefers a standalone shower. For those who live by yourself or the bathroom you are designing is the master bedroom ensuite then you can please yourself over the style and design, bathroom furnishings and accessories.

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By Muezza